5 Trending On-Demand Mobile App Ideas for Startups in 2021

Getting Bored of just planning to start a business without execution? Here is the trending on-demand mobile app business ideas to execute your planning. 

Then, our earth is surrounded with greeny planets and natural compounds. Now, the world is surrounded with emerging technologies and innovations. The sole thing which is the significant reason behind this deviation is mobile apps. Yes, mobile apps bring everything in our hand. Since, we are surviving with the mobile app, hope, everyone well experienced this. Right? As well, it is more vital to point out the extent of economic growth that has happened, happening and gonna happen through mobile apps. Agreed?

Thus, the on-demand  technology has absolutely revolutionized where many entrepreneurs desired to start their own on-demand business. Since, everyone depends on their mobiles for easy lives, an on-demand services app is the precise and perfect choice for your business.  In short, this is the finest way to drive revenue to your company and all while making the customers happy in the comforts of their home.

On-demand businesses are more familiar and fabulous nowadays, since people look for quick and accessible services to be delivered to their doorsteps, it may be food, beauty services , transportation, courier and of course grocery.

Although you can get plenty of customers simultaneously with the high ROI with the on-demand services app which is achieved through the following

  1. The era of digitalization

  2. Popularity of mobile apps

  3. Secure payments and quick delivery

Fine, let us now enter into the trending on-demand mobile app business ideas for startups in 2021. 

5 Trending On-Demand Mobile App Business Ideas for Startups in 2021

Here is the innovative concepts for your business app

  1. On-Demand app for Water Delivery

Is it beneficial to launch an on-demand water delivery app in the market?

Absolutely yes.  Generally, this sort of service is useful for offices or workplaces. Rather than, if you are planning to organize a function, you will need an on-demand water delivery app service. The revenue generation from the app is achieved by several ways. Here are the following:

  1. Through launching a premium app for water delivery app

  2. Permitting the third party access for utilizing your on-demand platform to display their advertisement

  3. Introducing features listing for the water service provider

  4. Grabbing commission for the water delivery service booking through your platform.

On-demand water delivery app comprises three panels. They are 

  1. User Panel

  • User can create their profile simply

  • Search bar and filters options

  • View and analyze the water service providers’ profile

  • Make an order by adding the quantity

  • Can track the services

  • Several payment gateways for payment

  • Can rate the app

  1. Water Service Provider Panel

  • Create and set up their account simply

  • List their service with price rate

  • Allow location access

  • Accept/decline request

  • Payment management

  • GPS navigation

  • Progress tracking

  1. Admin Panel

  • Dashboard and user profile management

  • Weekly and monthly progress tracking

  • Payment management

  • Ads and premium model management

  • Map integration

2. On-Demand App for Plant Delivery

On-demand plan delivery apps make the work more easy and simple for the users. Let us discuss it in detail. If you are living in an urban area without knowing any details about plants, finding the right plant for your workplace or home is a difficult task. This circumstances leads to the warm welcome of on-demand apps selling and delivering plants. The modules in on-demand app for plant delivery are as follows.

  1. User Panel

  • View the details of the nearby plant delivery stores

  • Check the price list and types of the plant

  • Make an order and track the drivers

  • Schedule pick-up and delivery services

  • Simple order rescheduling and cancellation

  • Instant notification for offers and discounts

  • Access order history

  1. Plant Store Panel

  • Manage store information and orders

  • Set availability

  • Realtime track of services

  • Help and support module

  1. Driver Panel

  • Accept or reject the request

  • Update status from pick up to deliver

  • In-app map integration

  • Push notification for confirmation 

  • Access history details

  1. Admin Panel

  • Managing user, plant store and driver panels

  • Image gallery management

  • Dashboard management

  • Track performance as well as earnings

  • Reviews and ratings management

  • Payment and ads service management

3. On-Demand App for Fuel Delivery

Assume you are in a long drive now. Your vehicle fuel gets over in the midway. Imagine how you overcome this situation. Sometimes, people are not aware of the journey areas which become more complex to locate fuel services. Just imagining the scenario makes us go goosebumps. Right? Are you wishing no one to experience those hard times? 

The only solution is to reveal an on-demand fuel delivery app, through which the person can get the required vehicle fuel simply from their location.

Identical to on-demand app services, on-demand fuel delivery app also upholds three modules. 

  1. Admin App Features

  • Login/Signup

  • Dashboard

  • Customer and driver details

  • New fuel tanker addition

  • Driver and customer details

  • Send notifications

  • Pricing and history

  1. Fuel Service Provider Panel

  • Set availability and provide location access

  • Accept/ decline customer request

  • Access the details of the requested customers

  • Accept payment from customer in-app

  • GPS integration

  • Help and support module

  1. Customer Panel

  • Check and access the quick ordering features

  • Permit location access or enter the exact location

  • Can add the quantity details and view the cost

  • Make payments with various payment gateways

  • Digital receipts regarding fuel costs, taxes and delivery charges

  • Access their history

  • Reviews and ratings

  1. On-demand App for Courier Delivery

Consider the scenario. The day is your friend’s anniversary party happening around 60 to 70 Km away from your house and you cannot visit the party due to some unexpected workload. But, you want to deliver a gift. How are you gonna handle these circumstances?

With the invention of on-demand courier service, you can simply handle this situation. The delivery boy from the courier service agency assists you by picking the gift from your place and delivering it. The modules of the courier delivery apps are as follows.

  1. User Panel

  • Simple profile setup and management

  • Access nearby gift stores

  • Analyze price and details of the gift

  • Order the gift

  • Make payment with several payment gateways

  • Add the destination location for delivery services

  • Feedback, reviews and ratings

  1. Store Owner Panel

  • Lists the gifts and products as per the categories

  • Manage customer details

  • Manage offers and discounts

  • Manage payments

  • Tracking earnings (weekly or monthly)

  • Manage ratings and feedbacks

  1. Admin Panel

  • Managing the profiles of users and store owner

  • Managing gift categories

  • Ads and premium features management

  • Manage delivery services

  • Offers and discounts management

  • Manage delivery service

  • Feedback and rating management

5. On-Demand App for Medicine Delivery

In your ill days, will you like to go out to purchase medicines? No, right? Then how will you get medicines to cure your illness? It is possible with the on-demand medicine delivery app so called, telemedicine apps. 

Telemedicine apps offer a cluster of benefits to healthcare professionals as well as patients in several ways. The following are the benefits of telemedicine app development.

  1. Helps rural areas

  2. Reduce costs

  3. Diminish the spread of illness

  4. Save time

  5. Convenient

  6. Easy follow-up 

  7. Helps more patients

Hope, you have grabbed the trending on-demand mobile app ideas for startups in 2021. Planning to start any of these on-demand businesses? Grab on-demand mobile app solutions from the leading on-demand app development company and start your business smoothly with wide reach. Whatever your business may be, Startupmart is here to furnish you the best on-demand app solutions that let you reach extent and attain your goal.

Stick with us!

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