Top 7 On-Demand Business Ideas To Start During Covid-19


The outbreak of coronavirus is shaking up the global economy with immense drawbacks. Due to this consequence, the world is scurrying hard to defeat the present as well as the upcoming economic downwards of these black days. No one knows when this pandemic ends. Right? On the other hand, scientists in the world are working hard to find a vaccine for the virus.

Besides, it is a bitter truth that businesses will not be back to their form for a long time so it will be a hard time for the entrepreneurs to manage their business. Hence, they are seeking for the potential opportunities to invest in and earn profit in this pandemic season.

Yeah, this may be the right time to enter your footprints in an on-demand service since customers hesitate to go out for a shop and purchase their needs due to this covid19, which let the entrepreneurs take a new turn.

Let’ s have a look at what kind of on-demand businesses are really On Demand during pandemic.

7 Revenue Generating On Demand Business Ideas That are Worth To Hit This Pandemic

Here are the few profitable on-demand businesses which let you generate more revenue.

1. Food Delivery Business

Due to this pandemic, people will not step out of their homes often. Particularly, bachelors and aged need food delivery services to stay safe at their homes. Being an entrepreneur, you can gratify their needs by delivering food at their doorsteps through kick start your food delivery business.

It is evident that many food delivery brands have witnessed significant growth in their sales. So, it is a better choice to launch a food delivery service by indulging the contact-less features to maintain social distancing from users and delivery executives. The users can request the delivery executives to leave their orders in a certain spot outside their house.

 2. Grocery Delivery

The people under lockdown cannot run to the grocery store to purchase all their necessary needs. You can start an online grocery delivery service to serve their needs. Besides, you can hire a few delivery executives after perfect screening progress by explaining all the safety measures to be followed during delivery.

The selected executives can grab the listed items of the users and deliver them on time. Hence, it is a profitable business to launch this season.

3. On-Demand Workout Apps

People cannot go to gyms to work out in this quarantine period. At the same time, they will need assistance or a trainer to work out. Being an entrepreneur, you can launch an app which upholds workout videos exhibited by the worldwide trainers. keep in mind that, delivering high-quality stuff is significant for such apps.

You can certify the trainers and permit them to upload videos to your app. Users can pay a fixed amount and watch the available videos in the app. Being an admin, you can also cut-down commission fees while transferring the earnings to trainers. On the other hand, let the third party ads to host in your app since it is a potential source of income.

4. Online Education App

In this outbreak season, educational institutions across the world have shut down and shifted to online education methods with mobile apps. As result, this dilemma has absolutely brought out an online boom for the education industry.

As per the statistics, the download measures of education app spiked in March 2020, enhanced around 300%. Not only aid for this pandemic emergency situation, but also to prepare the world for the next future. As a result, it is of utmost great to build a trusted e-learning platform which is also the best source of income.

5. Medicine Delivery

To get rid of this Covid19 pandemic, pharmaceutical businesses have an essential role to play. Peoples who are in self-quarantine feel difficult to reach medical stores to buy medicines for them. Not only for the persons affected by the virus but also for the persons who are dealing with minor and major health issues are struggling to get medicines for them on time.

Hence, it is the responsibility of the pharmacy business to commit to the fight against Coronavirus. As an entrepreneur, you can join your hands with pharmaceutical persons and kick start an online medicine delivery business in a short span of time.

6. On-Demand Doctors/Nurses/Caretakers

As per the medical consultant report, a Manchester-based online doctor platform push doctor in enhances consultations. Therefore developing a platform where users can seek on-demand doctors, nurses, as well as other healthcare service providers is a future proof notion.

Keeping these advantageous traits of these on-demand doctors, nurses, and caretakers in mind, develop an app which diminishes the progress of booking medical professionals visit to the home.

7. E-Scooter Sharing Service

Since people are requested to follow social distancing, people hesitate to prefer public transport during this pandemic season, whereas they are in need of transport service to travel where they desire.

To point out, this scooter service will aid people to travel safely. Being an entrepreneur in notion with social service, place a tiny alcohol sanitizer bottle in the e-scooter, so that passengers can experience a safe ride with your service. On the other hand, you can provide masks and gloves for preserving additional safety to them which lets the people maintain social distancing as well as a source to yield a good profit.

The Bottom Line

All the above-mentioned services will help you cater to the peoples' needs in this pandemic situation which also generates more revenue with simple efforts. Are you an entrepreneur and desire to serve people in this black seal time? Plan today to prepare better tomorrow. With faith and hope, believe this pandemic will end soon. As entrepreneurs, serve peoples in this embarrassing season through the launch of your on-demand mobile app business with the best on-demand solutions providers like starupmart.

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